Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Best Excuse Ever

During the holiday season we hear a lot of excuses from our suppliers about why a particular product is delayed, missing, or damaged. Today, though, I heard the best one yet. It is a great example of how global trade and manufacturing impacts the little guy - in this case yours truly.

Apparently, in a little town in South India near Madras, a factory that was making some very cool doormats - many of which we currently have in stock - had a 23 day lockout where the owners were kept inside their factory. From what I understand from my supplier, the owners weren't exactly intending to be locked in...

The lockout is now over, but the doormats still have a 40 day sea voyage ahead of them, so we won't get the product until after the holiday season. UGH! As if the exchange rate with the Euro wasn't bad enough...

- John

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