For John’s birthday celebration, we headed off to Boston. For some reason, even though it’s so close, we seldom travel East. New York seems to call us more frequently, but we’re learning to appreciate the biggest city of our home state.
This time, we started our visit with a trip to the Lego store in Burlington. All of us were almost in shock from all of the choices and it was a bit overwhelming. What Star Wars set to choose?
Our favorites were the Lego Eiffel Tower and the wall of bricks. We filled two cups with all the bricks needed to make our building time more fulfilling. The in-store Eiffel Tower was built over the course of 5 hours by a staff member’s younger brother. And their Millenium Falcon required an overnight by 5 staff members, working 12 hours straight. Hmm…this gives us all sorts of ideas about what Essentials staff might agree to.
From Lego, we headed to the Boston waterfront, with
Tintin in tow, for a visit to the

What a great surprise! We knew the building would be interesting, and we especially liked it at night. We were glad to find that the work was as compelling as the space itself. The
ICA has a relatively small, but well-curated gallery space, on the 4th floor.
Aidan’s favorite was a video piece by a German artist who spent a week eating only food he could shoot with a bow and arrow. Oh, and he did all of his shooting in the grocery store. Aidan sat on the floor mesmerized by the capture of loaves of bread, a frozen ham, and other unidentifiable German food products.

We ended the day in Chinatown at a great Korean/Japanese restaurant called
Suishaya. Ever since coming back from Korea seven years ago, we have sought out good DukBokKi (sp?) wherever we can.

This place is tiny (no more than 6 tables plus sushi bar), very casual, and lives up to all of the accolades it has received. We ordered way too much and our only disappointment was that we couldn’t take doggy bags for the ride home.
- Sydne