I was watching London Ink last night—one of the those shows that makes John and I wonder what people are thinking. Not that we have anything against tattoos. (I have a regretted tattoo from many years ago.) It’s more the question of how much meaning people put into the portraits, symbols, and visuals they choose to adorn their bodies. But, it’s good brain candy after another day of the Christmas retail life. I started to wonder how many people have chosen Tintin characters for tattoos and found a website where people shared the, um, less than stellar work they’ve had done. If you want to honor Tintin, buy the books — or at least find a decent tattoo artist. Sheesh!
This one isn't bad, but the background is all wrong and it really should be in colour. The red is critical in making the rocket so unique.

What the...

OK, now the biggest problem with this one is that s/he used a sock (a sock!) as the reference and the image on the sock (a sock!!) is better. Why couldn't they use an image from one of the TWO BOOKS??!!! And this person totally punked out by making it so small. With an image as iconic as the rocket, it should have been at least 6 inches and placed somewhere more conspicuous.

Another terrible tattoo in a terrible location.

- Syd